Five Ways to Remove WordPress’s ‘Leave a Reply’

Wondering exactly how to remove ‘leave a reply’ on WordPress? You’ve landed on the best web page if indeed.

Though replies as well as comments are a terrific means to interact with your site visitors, you might not desire them occasionally. As a matter of fact, comments benefit some sites as well as not so helpful for others.

For this reason, it’s up to you, whether to remove the ‘leave a reply’ area or otherwise.

By default, WordPress consists of a remark system on your blog posts. Yet what happens if you wish to disable the remark area?

No fears, WordPress additionally provides you a lot of choices to manage, make it possible for, or disable discuss your web site.

Why Would You Want to Get Rid of ‘Leave a Reply’ on WordPress?

Getting rid of the comment section from the website is uncommon, but different websites don’t want comments or replies.

Here’re some of the reasons for disabling the comment section:

Spam comments: It’s one of the most common reasons for disabling the comment section. Although there are many comment anti-spam plugins, some prefer closing the comments entirely. Rightly so, it can completely prevent comment spam. 

Unwanted interaction: Some types of websites don’t want user interaction at all. For example, brochure websites intend only to provide information and notices. So, they may not want any conversation with users.

Slow site speed: If your blog receives tons of comments, then it can also impact your site speed. If you’re not able to regularly monitor and moderate the comments, then they can outgrow your page content and slow down the page speed.

What is The Impact After Disabling the Comment Section?

Before you turn of comments, it’s better to consider what you’ll miss after the act. This is to help you make an informed decision.

You’ll miss suggestions. Some users may want to provide suggestions but they won’t be able to do so. With such suggestions turned off, you’ll miss opportunities to improve your site.

You might lose potential customers. Commenting is one of the easiest ways for customers to find out more information about products or services they want to buy. So, when comments are turned off, you might lose some prospects.

Positive comments are social proof.  If most of the comments on your site are positive, then they can influence other visitors. And, they may become your regular customer. You’ll lose that opportunity also.

Five Simple Ways to Remove ‘Leave a Reply’ on WordPress

There are in general five simple ways to remove ‘leave a reply’ on WordPress. Let’s check them out!

Entire Control of ‘Leave a Reply’ Section

With this method, you’ll be able to get rid of the comment section entirely on your WordPress site. This includes all the pages and posts of the website. 

Firstly,  log in to your WordPress dashboard and click on the Settings menu. Then, go to the Discussion

After that, you can see the Default post settings section where you can uncheck the “Allow people to submit comments on new posts” element. 

Also, don’t forget to click on the Save Changes button in the bottom-left of the settings page.

Block ‘Leave a Reply’ in Specific Pages or Posts

Firstly, go to the Posts menu of your dashboard and click on the All Posts. There, you can see your posts. Once you hover on any of your posts, you can see the “Quick Edit” option. 

Just click on it and you can see “Allow Comments” on the Tags section. You simply need to uncheck the ‘Allow comments‘ and click on the ‘Update‘ button.

Remove in bulks

If you want to remove the ‘leave a reply’ section from multiple posts/pages in bulk, then this approach is most suitable.

To do so, go to the ‘Posts‘ or ‘Pages‘ menu and click on ‘All Posts‘ or ‘All Pages‘. Now, check the box on the left side of the Title to select the items. 

Then, select the ‘Bulk actions‘ dropdown and select the ‘Edit’ option. After that, click on the ‘Apply‘ button to start editing.

There, you can see lots of elements, among them; go to the Comments and click on its dropdown option.

You just need to select “Do not allow” options for your comments and lastly, click on the Update button.

Now, the comment section won’t appear for all the posts and pages that you’ve selected.

Delete Existing Comments on Your WordPress Site

Go to the WordPress dashboard and click on the Posts>All Posts menu. You’ll be able to see all the posts. 

Firstly, you should find the post from which you want to delete all comments. Once you find the post, go to its ‘Comments‘ column.

There, you’ll see how the number of comments added on that post. Sometimes 2 different numbers; one inside comment icon and another in red circle. The number in comment icon refers to the number of approved comments. Whereas the other in red circle is the number of pending comments.

To delete the approved comments, click on comments icon. Next, you’ll a new page listing all the approved comments. To remove all comments, click on the ‘Author‘ checkbox which will select all comments and replies.

After that, select ‘Move to Trash‘ option from the ‘Bulk actions‘ dropdown. And then, click on the ‘Apply‘ button.

That’s it. You’ll see all the approved comments removed. But if there are more than 20 comments, then you may need to repeat the same process to delete comments on the next page.

Next, can click on the ‘Pending’ option next to the ‘Approved’ option to remove pending comments. Then, you can follow the same steps as above to select all comments and delete them.

Use a Plugin to Disable WordPress Comments

All you’ve to do is go to the Plugins>Add New and search the “Disable Comments” on the search bar.

Once you find the plugin, click on the ‘Install‘ button.

After installing the plugin, you can see an ‘Activate‘ button. Click on the ‘Activate‘ button to start using the plugin. 

Now, on the left side of the menu, go to the Settings and click on the Disable Comments of your dashboard. There, you can have a checkmark on the Everywhere. This helps to disable comments on your entire website globally. 

Or, you can checkmark on PostsPages, and Media from the “On Specific Post Types” section. It helps to disable comments-related fields for specific posts/pages while the other posts/pages will have a visible comment section.